3 Reasons to Increase the Amount of Natural Light in Your Home

3 Reasons to Increase the Amount of Natural Light in Your Home

The benefits of natural light for our overall health and wellbeing are well documented. Here are 3 reasons you should introduce more natural light into your home.

Improve mood

Most people feel happier during longer, warmer summer days and there’s a scientific reason for it. Studies have shown that exposure to sunlight increases the brain’s production of serotonin, a mood-enhancing chemical.

Many of us would admit to spending most of our time indoors, if not at work, then at home. However, this means that more of a concentrated effort needs to be made during office or home design in order to ensure plenty of access to natural light.

Be more energy efficient

Making the most of the sun’s natural light is absolutely free! If areas of your home are not illuminated by natural light, then you’re probably using a lot more energy than you could be. Investing in new windows or a rooflight can help you significantly reduce your energy use and make for a greener, more cost-effective option.

Boost vitamin D intake

Exposure to natural sunlight is our body’s number one source of vitamin D, which has huge health benefits – it helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, supports the immune and nervous system and regulates insulin levels.

However, studies have found that 1 in 5 people in the UK are estimated to not be getting enough vitamin D. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include:

  • Frequent sickness
  • Fatigue
  • Aches
  • Back pain
  • Muscle pain

Therefore, making sure that even indoors you are getting the recommended 8.5 to 10 micrograms of Vitamin D into your body per day is essential for your good health.

How can I introduce more natural light into my home?

In terms of natural light, besides going outdoors, a rooflight or skylight is the best possible choice. Due its position, a rooflight allows in up to three times more natural light than a vertical window of the same area, making them your number one choice when it comes to improving natural lighting in your home – they also have the added benefit of making a room look and feel bigger!

Browse our range of rooflights today!

CRL: 3 Reasons to Increase the Amount of Natural Light in Your Home